I'm just so excited to share how Just Juice impacts lives in the Brainerd Lakes Community! Just Juice is more than a brand, a company or a bottle on a shelf. To me-it is about the people who are consuming it and how it betters their lives. I have asked some friends whose paths I have crossed on this journey if they would like to share their story and the impact it has had on their lives. I am forever grateful for their openness and willingness they all have to share their story.
It's my pleasure to share with you the journey into juicing as a lifestyle for Matt Galles. Matt messaged me through Facebook asking general questions about Just Juice and the health benefits in January of 2022 and he hasn't looked back! Since then he has created total transformation in his life! His trainer from Takedown Gym in Brainerd, Mn recommended he start incorporating fresh juices into his everyday diet. Thank you Kelsi!

The background story from Matt, "I started out pre-ordering maybe 4 – 6 bottles each week
from Just Juice. Then when I inhaled those bottles, I would buy them off the shelf in town. Shortly after discovering juice, my wife asked me what I would like for my birthday. A Nama
juicer please." Matt had asked which juicer I use at home; I always recommend the Nama juicers for people who are very serious about juicing at home! Otherwise, a Breville is a great place to start!
He goes on to say, "It was a very slow start. I was trying to learn about juicing. What kinds of fruits and vegetables go good together. How to prepare each particular fruit and vegetable. What I would enjoy drinking. We needed a second refrigerator. Once we started getting into it, I wanted more and more. Always coming home with large amounts of produce. Then, needed a few decent pitchers to put the juice in. Spent, and still spend a bit of time on the internet researching juice and all of it benefits."
When I asked him about what role Just Juice has played in his overall well-being or health journey, he was excited to share, "It has been absolutely wonderful. I feel better. I am 100% more efficient in everyday living. The bad foods are being cut from my life. And I am spreading juice knowledge!"
15 months later, I asked him what role juice still places in his life, "My tastebuds changed drastically for the better. Seriously a game changer for me. A little over a
year later I have transformed into a much healthier eater. I am making better choices each time I try to put something in my mouth. I can credit drinking juice to feeling amazing every day. I used to have a little bit of a stomachache often. Just felt lousy. That is history now.
Earlier this winter towards the end of December, we had a very wet heavy snowstorm. We
couldn't get out of our half mile long driveway. So, I, along with my son and neighbors started cutting trees and moving them off the road. I am a 50-year-old. I have not been in the greatest shape due to back injuries. I have recently been healed. And with the back healing, and the better choice of eating and drinking juice, I feel like I am on fire. In a great positive way. When we were cleaning up this tree damage, I was reminded of how I used to work about 15 years ago. My energy level is now off the charts. I have even removed coffee and tea, and all caffeine. Drinking coffee, tea, and other caffeinated products used to give me great energy for a period of time, thus not lasting through the day. You would have to try juicing to understand how amazing it is. I am always trying to find a balance with juicing. How much to buy each week. Where to store the produce until I get to it. What juice I want to make. And trying to find somewhere in the refrigerator to store the pitchers."
I asked Matt what he would tell someone who has never tried a Just Juice product; "I would tell anyone that you will feel absolutely amazing if you juice and stick to it. I truly believe that my health is better than it has ever been. I have not had a cold or a sniffle in over a year. Energy level is outstanding. You will develop into a much healthier person,
physically and mentally. I would also tell them that I believe your desire for food automatically shifts towards healthier choices in everyday eating.
When friends and family come to our home for a visit, they can easily tell how excited I am.
about juicing. A really great friend of mine from Canada stopped buy in December for a visit. He told me two times that I look really healthy. Of course, I get excited and tell him the whole juicing plan. Long story short, he is back in Canada with his wife. They have purchased the latest and greatest new juicer from Nama, and they are juicing like crazy now. He and his wife are now on fire for juice."
His final thoughts on Just Juice: "I had a lot of questions in the beginning. Jami offered answers and suggestions anytime I had a question. Always friendly and patient. She never made me feel like I was bothering her. She is always willing to help anyone live a healthier lifestyle. I love juice and juicing."
What a true pleasure it has been for me to be watch Matt as he went ALL IN on his journey with juicing! He has supported and encouraged me so much since our paths have crossed! It is safe to safe we have a mutual love and passion for juice and the lifestyle that comes along with it!
